MWH Law Group Featured in Law 360 for Their Work on a $6B Bond Offering Deal with CVS Health

MWH Law Group LLP served as co-counsel with Shearman & Sterling LLP on a $6 billion bond sale for CVS Health. This firm’s relationship with CVS originated through NAMWOLF, the National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms. MWH Law equity partner, Emery Harlan, co-founded NAMWOLF in 2001. While Harlan says there are minority and women-owned law firms that do public finance work for governmental entities throughout the U.S., only a few have the opportunity to get involved with financing deals for large corporations. “Many governmental entities, cities and states have for more than 40 years insisted that women and minority firms participate in their financing activity,” Harlan said. “But for some reason corporations have not done the same thing.”
Working alongside Harlan on the CVS sale were three women: MWH Law partners Jennifer Pflug Murphy and Lindsay Fathallah, and associate Melissa Rubio.
“The more women and minority law firms that can deliver services for all aspects of what a corporation needs, the more competitively priced those services are going to be, rather than continuing to use the limited number of firms that do that work,” Harlan said. “Right now, we don’t have the range of experience that we need to be able to represent major corporations like CVS Health on our own,” Harlan said. “We need to be able to partner with other firms that have more experience, and we are very grateful that a company like CVS understands the value in working with women and minority owned firms to help them develop that kind of bandwidth.” “CVS has become a very strong supporter of NAMWOLF,” Harlan said. “Early on in our discussions, we talked about opportunities to involve minority- and women-owned law firms in sort of non-traditional areas like corporate finance.”
The full article is available online.