What caused Verizon to send me an open source software (OSS) license disclosure notice with my upgraded FiOS router/modem a few years ago? Are other companies, like yours, being targeted for corrective action for similar...
Is Your Workplace No-Recording Policy Too Broad?
August 15, 2017
This summer the Second Circuit Court of Appeals dealt another blow to employers – this time related to employer no-recording policies. Whole Foods Market Group Inc. (“Whole Foods”) appealed to the Second Circuit the...
On July 12, 2017, a three-Judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit affirmed the United States Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin’s September 26, 2016 decision upholding...
We are often asked to prepare or review corporate bylaws for corporations at the onset or when issues arise. Many corporations, either in their initial bylaws or by amendment to bylaws, have included a provision for action...
Dogs as Service Animals – The new ADA Requirement I had a client contact me regarding a Complaint of Discrimination based on his property manager’s treatment of “service animals” for tenants in his apartment...