The skills I’ve developed as a trial attorney have taught me to analyze both professional and personal problems factually and with the aim of practical solutions.
Jason communicates very well with clients, finding ways to best support their business goals and avoid unnecessary pitfalls.
Jason has a long and deep interest in science and art, both of which led him to intellectual property law. In college, he considered both advertising and biology as majors, eventually settling on biology. His interests became more focused on the legal aspects of both areas – patents for biology, and trademarks for advertising. The best part of being an intellectual property attorney is being able to keep a finger on developing areas in a variety of industries and fields. Whether it is through development of brands or inventions, intellectual property tends to focus on the forefront of a client’s business, while also keeping a strong connection to their roots. Jason builds strong relationships with clients and helps them identify long term and cohesive goals, often working with other attorneys to incorporate the IP matters with other legal issues.
Jason’s experience includes all types of legal environments, sole practice, boutique IP firms, major international firms, in-house experience, and of counsel to firms of all sizes. This has given him a unique insight into different ways of working and how to accomplish goals with teams of all sizes, shapes and compositions. Further, Jason has been involved in school counsels, the running of volunteer organization departments, and the forming and running of a company based around IP rights. All these experiences have given him insight into the needs of IP owners for their businesses.
Jason works with a wide variety of clients, ranging from small startup businesses in entertainment, consumer goods and scientific fields, to non-profit educational and charity entities building brands, to large multinational financial, research and consumer product companies looking to build, expand and protect a large portfolio.